Tuesday, December 15, 2009


i will be the first to admit that i have my own insecurities. I think everyone does.

However, people who are wholly insecure annoy the crud out of me. People who just constantly want attention annoy me too. People who are dumb and incapable also annoy me. People who are socially awkward, although usually bearable and funny, becomes really annoying when in mix with any of the three aforementioned characteristics.

Somehow, my officemate is all four.

I resent it. GAH!


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

hahaha oops i deleted my first comment, but this one is better!
play a prank on him!

take all his paper clips and connect them so that when he picks up one... he'll pick up a train of paper clips. he'll think, "what the.."

or... take the end of his scotch tape and stick it back onto the roll so he has some trouble getting a piece of tape.

or... remove all the staples in his stapler.

hahahhahadf this sounds so fun.