Monday, August 24, 2009

more thoughts on grace

It is tough to let grace be, without having our hands lunging and trying to grasp it, mold it, and bottle it for our own good. Tough to let grace roam around as it tempts our desire for mastery and irks our previous notions of freedom.

And then there are those rare moments we let grace be -- through some glorious, incomprehensible, and wonderful way -- we let grace just be itself. And when this happens, something wholly outside of ourselves happens, and yet still, it is some of the most inwardly impacting moments of our lives.

Then, as we look back, though we just experienced it, it's so tough to credit grace. We look back and languish about the failures and disjunctive moments. And the last sentence we would believe in our hearts is that "Grace abounded where we failed the most."

But there are those who silently look on with eyes that look upwards and mouths that have run dry from being kept open both in awe and unworthy-felt mutters of gratitude.

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