Monday, October 23, 2006

the first

this is the first.
mumbo jumbo.

broken, we attempt to live standing straight. striving for dignity and name, while casting humility away with the rest of the bait. looking to catch the bigger fish, we find ourselves in a nylon-tangled mess. plucking our fingers into the tangled string, hoping to create some harmony for the time being. so that once again we may cast away humility as our bait, down deep into the ocean, because there lie the bigger fish.

So on the jettison, we sit as the waves whisper about lost humility. about men who cast humility and had their lines snapped, to walk back home with nothing to show.

humility should bait us, but we let pride anchor us. yet, like all men, in the end, we learn the value of humility. and most learn to cast it for themselves. only a few men are baited.

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